Monday, July 30, 2007


A message from Tony Fadale.

" The blog seems to be booming. I hope as we get closer
there will be more and more interest in posting pictures, stories, etc.
My wife and I were with '57 grads Gierok, Susca, Elias, DeCoster and
Borowski and their wives over this past weekend (July 28). Rick
DeSantis ('56) hosted a dinner in his vacation home in Ventura. The talk was
hot and heavy about the reunion. The talk covered topics like who is coming,
what are the activities planned, how much is dinner, where will dinner be
held and a lot of stories about the people who they had seen on the blog or
not seen in years. The fact that Rich Marrone will come from Sweden was a
big hit.
Often stories were traded about some of our deceased fellow
grades. I brought all four years of yearbooks ('54 - '57). Interestingly enough
many of the wives looked for pictures of ND boys they dated before they
married their ND grad. Of course they wanted to know what their husband looked
like in those years.
I think their enthusiasm is indicative of what all graduates of '57 are
thinking as we get closer to the big reunion. I took pictures and I will e-mail them to you.
Tony Fadale

1 comment:

Gerald R. Fecht said...

I do not as yet have photos or bios on the guys Tony had dinner with.

Gierok, Susca, Elias, DeCoster and
