Over the past 50 years since we graduated from Notre Dame, my life has been good. I have a loving, caring wife, Janet, who has been by my side for 44 years and four devoted sons. What more could a man want? I've had my ups and downs over the past years, but which one of us hasn't?
What did Notre Dame give me that continues to bless my life? Let me tell you. It is something more than money can buy. It is FRIENDSHIP! I have been blessed with loyal and devoted classmates including one from the class of '56. These friends have especially been close to me over the past 10 years. The photo you see here with some of my ND classmates says it
So I say to all my friends, the ones I see all the time and the friends I haven't seen since the last reunion, I'm looking forward to seeing all of you! Tony Susca
P.S. I know all of you feel the same way but I just had to say it!
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